DataGridPremium API
API reference docs for the React DataGridPremium component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.
Component demos
import { DataGridPremium } from '@mui/x-data-grid-premium/DataGridPremium';
// or
import { DataGridPremium } from '@mui/x-data-grid-premium';
is forwarded to the root element.The custom Checkbox component used in the grid for both header and cells.
Default component: Checkbox
The custom InputAdornment component used in the grid.
Default component: InputAdornment
Icon displayed on the boolean cell to represent the false value.
Default component: GridCloseIcon
Icon displayed on the boolean cell to represent the true value.
Default component: GridCheckIcon
Icon displayed on the column header menu to show that a filter has been applied to the column.
Default component: GridFilterAltIcon
Filter icon component rendered in each column header.
Default component: GridColumnHeaderFilterIconButton
Component responsible for rendering the column headers.
Default component: DataGridColumnHeaders
Column menu component rendered by clicking on the 3 dots "kebab" icon in column headers.
Default component: GridColumnMenu
Icon displayed in column menu for aggregation
Default component: GridFunctionsIcon
Icon displayed in column menu for clearing values
Default component: GridClearIcon
Icon displayed in column menu for hiding column
Default component: GridVisibilityOffIcon
Icon displayed on the side of the column header title to display the filter input component.
Default component: GridTripleDotsVerticalIcon
Icon displayed in column menu for showing all columns
Default component: GridViewColumnIcon
Icon displayed in column menu for left pinning
Default component: GridPushPinLeftIcon
Icon displayed in column menu for right pinning
Default component: GridPushPinRightIcon
Icon displayed in column menu for ascending sort
Default component: GridArrowUpwardIcon
Icon displayed in column menu for descending sort
Default component: GridArrowDownwardIcon
Icon displayed in column menu for ungrouping
Default component: GridWorkspacesIcon
Icon displayed in between two column headers that allows to resize the column header.
Default component: GridSeparatorIcon
Icon displayed on the side of the column header title when sorted in ascending order.
Default component: GridArrowUpwardIcon
Icon displayed on the side of the column header title when sorted in descending order.
Default component: GridArrowDownwardIcon
GridColumns panel component rendered when clicking the columns button.
Default component: GridColumnsPanel
Icon displayed on the side of the column header title when unsorted.
Default component: GridColumnUnsortedIcon
Icon displayed on the "comfortable" density option in the toolbar.
Default component: GridViewStreamIcon
Icon displayed on the compact density option in the toolbar.
Default component: GridViewHeadlineIcon
Icon displayed on the standard density option in the toolbar.
Default component: GridTableRowsIcon
Icon displayed on the detail panel toggle column when expanded.
Default component: GridRemoveIcon
Icon displayed on the detail panel toggle column when collapsed.
Default component: GridAddIcon
Icon displayed on the open export button present in the toolbar by default.
Default component: GridSaveAltIcon
Filter panel component rendered when clicking the filter button.
Default component: GridFilterPanel
Icon displayed for deleting the filter from filter panel.
Default component: GridAddIcon
Icon displayed for deleting the filter from filter panel.
Default component: GridDeleteIcon
Icon displayed for deleting all the active filters from filter panel.
Default component: GridDeleteForeverIcon
Icon displayed on the grouping column when the children are expanded
Default component: GridExpandMoreIcon
Icon displayed on the grouping column when the children are collapsed
Default component: GridKeyboardArrowRight
Component responsible for showing menu adornment in Header filter row
Default component: GridHeaderFilterCell
Component responsible for showing menu in Header filter row
Default component: GridHeaderFilterMenu
Loading overlay component rendered when the grid is in a loading state.
Default component: GridLoadingOverlay
Icon displayed on the actions
column type to open the menu.
Default component: GridMoreVertIcon
No results overlay component rendered when the grid has no results after filtering.
Default component: GridNoResultsOverlay
No rows overlay component rendered when the grid has no rows.
Default component: GridNoRowsOverlay
Icon displayed on the open filter button present in the toolbar by default.
Default component: GridFilterListIcon
PreferencesPanel component rendered inside the Header component.
Default component: GridPreferencesPanel
Icon displayed on the reorder
column type to reorder a row.
Default component: GridDragIcon
Icon displayed on the tree data toggling column when the children are expanded
Default component: GridExpandMoreIcon
These class names are useful for styling with CSS. They are applied to the component's slots when specific states are triggered.
You can override the style of the component using one of these customization options:
- With a global class name.
- With a rule name as part of the component's
property in a custom theme.