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Charts - Getting Started

Get started with the MUI X Charts components. Install the package, configure your application, and start using the components.


Run one of the following commands to add the MUI X Charts to your project:

npm install @mui/x-charts

Usage with Next.js

If you're using MUI X Charts with Next.js, you might face the following error:

[ESM][charts] Doesn't build due to require() of ES Module (ERR_REQUIRE_ESM)

To solve it, transpile the package by adding transpilePackages: ['@mui/x-charts'] to your next.config.js file. Visit this GitHub issue and comment for details.

Displaying Charts

A Chart can be rendered in one of two ways: as a single component, or by composing subcomponents.

Single Charts

For common use cases, the single component is the recommended way. Those components' names end with "Chart", as opposed to "Plot", and only require the series prop describing the data to render.

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Press Enter to start editing

Composed Charts

To combine different Charts, like Lines with Bars, you can use composition with the ChartContainer wrapper.

Inside this wrapper, render either axis components, such as XAxis and YAxis, or any plot component like BarPlot, LinePlot, AreaPlot, and ScatterPlot.

Visit the Composition page for more details.


Axis management

MUI X Charts have a flexible approach to axis management, supporting multiple-axis charts with any combination of scales and ranges.

Visit the Axis page for more details.


MUI X Charts follows the Material UI styling and features all of the customization tools you'd find there, making tweaking charts as straightforward as designing buttons.

Visit the Styling page for more details.